
QUAT²RO® System Intelligence

QUAT²RO® Remote

Expand your digital experience and appropriately respond to critical situations at all times: with a direct connection to the OEM service experts, instantly and live through the use of cameras and smart glasses.

QUAT²RO® Remote – Features

  • Global remote access
  • Visual assistance
  • Rapid support
  • Data security
  • User friendliness

Get a direct Connection to our OEM Service Experts...

...with camera and smart glasses!

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Your Benefits

  • Enjoy the OEM assurance that your systems are working and configured optimally.
  • Receive specific information about technical and filling issues.
  • Enjoy the peace of mind of someone being available to assist you at all times!
  • Motivate your team and give them a sense of security.
  • Offer your team a perfect infrastructure with learning effects.
  • Reduce standstill periods.

Are you familiar with our QUAT²RO® Kit?

Simple installation in an instant!

All functions are integrated and pre-installed for you by our company in the ‘QUAT²RO® KIT’, enabling you to enjoy rapid and intuitive installation. The QUAT²RO® Kit can be expanded to include smart glasses and a camera.

  • Smart glasses

For QUAT²RO® Remote Visualize

Visual support from our head office

Suitable for industrial use, robust, ATEX compatible

Integrated voice control

>240 min battery life

  • Camera

For QUAT²RO® Remote Visualize

Visual support from our head office

Can be installed in the machine

Recording function included

Smarter Support with QUAT²RO® Remote

... when time is of the essence!

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Do you have any questions?
I will be happy to help you:
Rainer Schulze-Frielinghaus
Robert-Bosch-Straße 6
48153 Münster, Germany